Okay, so I live nowhere near New York. I’ve never even been to New York in the Fall…actually, I’ve never been to New York in any season! (Does the airport count?) But, it’s one of my favorite quotes from the movie “You’ve Got Mail.â€Â
I love the Fall. I don’t care what state I’m in.  It is my absolute favorite time of the year. Unforuntately, living in Southern California, it’s more of the idea of Fall that I love, since the weather is usually still blazing hot in mid-September!

Usually around the beginning of September, I begin to think that I was born on the wrong side of the continent. I love California, and its beautiful weather. But, just once, I would love to pull out my sweaters because I actually needed to wear them…rather than just wearing them for the sake of “fashion†(whatever that means!), and sweating it out through the still-90 degree afternoons! I love fall…brilliantly colored leaves (rather than California’s monochromatic browns), falling from the trees…crisp (read: “coldâ€) mornings curled up with a good book and a cup of hot cider….Â
Today was one of those days. It was cold and cloudy most of the day…the weather-people said it was supposed to warm up this afternoon, so Hannah started out the day in a short-sleeved dress. But, after lunch, I was digging through boxes in her closet looking for something a little warmer! When we first found out that we were having a girl, another mom in our Sunday school class offered us her daughter’s hand-me-downs. I was only expecting a few items, but it has been boxes and 40-gallon trash bags full of little girl clothes from newborn sizes up to 24-month/2T!! I don’t think I can even begin to explain what an incredible blessing this has been over the last year an a half! Aside from a few “special†things (Christmas and Easter dresses, a birthday outfit), and a couple of pairs of shoes, we have not had to buy clothes for Hannah yet! And, as I dug through the stacks of pants, onsies, sleepers, I was so thankful for our church family. We have been so blessed to be part of a group that truly exemplifes the purpose of the local church in caring for one another!!
This particular box held various items (some summer styles, some more appropriate for cooler weather) sizes 18-months to 24-months/2T. There weren’t as many as in previous boxes/bags, and I’m beginning to understand why. I’ve discovered that, even with a bib, if you insist on eating oatmeal and applesauce with your fingers, you can easily dirty more than one outfit on a given day!  I put poor Hannah through a “fashion show†of sorts, trying to figure out what fit, and what didn’t. She’s so tall, that most 12-month pants look more like capris, but so thin, that anything in the 18-month size is pretty droopy. (Do they make belts for babies?) We came up with a few workable items of clothing (and a decent shopping list for this weekend!) and I dressed her up in jeans and a long-sleeved shirt!! She looked so cozy!Â
Don’t you just love New York in the Fall?!