Do you ever feel as though there is a theme to the lessons that the Lord is trying to teach you? This week’s GirlTalk Book Club question is from the life of Hannah, on prayer. My dad also wrote a very challenging post on the topic of…what else?! prayer, on his new blog that would be worth checking out!
Dr. MacArthur notes that, “The value of persistent and passionate prayer is one of the central lessons from Hannah’s life.†This week’s question is:
Tell us about a time when you witnessed the value of persistent and passionate prayer—in your own life or someone else’s life?
Chapter 5 – Hannah: A Portrait of Feminine Grace
Due: September 7, 2006
I wish that I could answer this question with an illustration from my own prayer life, but it often leaves much to be desired. Disciplining myself in prayer has always been a struggle for me. I have always had trouble remaining consistent and focused in my designated prayer time. I usually find myself relying on short, spur of the moment prayers throughout the day, rather than a consistent, focused time dedicated specifically to prayer. On the occasions that I do make time to spend in prayer, my mind wanders to the day ahead of, or behind me, and the tasks that need to be accomplished, or those things with remain undone at the end of a “busy,†yet unproductive, day…And, because of this, I am often “running out of time†before I make it to the end of my prayer list. But, that kind of distracted, on-again off-again prayer is not evidence of a “deep and abiding love for God.†Hannah’s “spiritual passion was seen in the fervency of her prayer life.†(pg. 96)
As I read that sentence, one person came immediately to mind. His life is a testimony to the great value of persistent prayer. He is one who clearly, and consistently exhibits the Fruit of the Spirit. His every word and action is a demonstration of the very real, intimate, and loving relationship that he has with his Savior.
I had the privilege of working for this man for two years. He is a Biblical Studies professor at The Master’s College, although I did not have the privilege of sitting under his teaching as a student. But, working as a secretary in that department gave me an “up close†look at the day to day lives of each of the men I worked for. Each of them were wonderful examples of godly men, but this man’s prayer life specifically stood out to me, as something to strive for in my own life.
There were many times that, I would see him return to his office after classes and close the door behind him. I assumed he was intently preparing for his next lecture, because during these times a knock on his door was met with silence. Then one day, I understood. I passed by his office and found the door slightly open, by accident, I’m sure. This dear man was on his knees, with his face to the ground…. He was silent, but his actions were clear – he was praying. He emerged about an hour later, with the imprint of the carpet on his forehead. I once asked him what he was praying about…“Many things,†was the simple answer.
Dr. MacArthur says of Hannah, that she “stayed before the Lord, even with a broken heart, pouring out tearful prayers. Her trials thus had the benefit of making her a woman of prayer. She truly exemplified what it meant to ‘pray without ceasing.’†The same could be said of this man. He has been through trials that many of us will never, by God’s grace, have to endure. And yet, his trials have made him a man of prayer. He has stayed before the Lord. The extent of those prayers may never be known this side of Heaven. But, I know, without a doubt, that anyone who has ever crossed his path, or sat under his teaching has benefited from the prayers of this godly man. As Dr. MacArthur said at the end of this chapter, “May his tribe increase.â€