We decided against the Sunrise Service this year…Hannah has finally started waking up between 7 and 7:30 (thanks to the recent time change!), and we did not want to do anything to mess up her new routine! So, we opted for our regular 9:00 a.m. service. We did decide to give her a break from the nursery this week, since it hasn’t exactly been her favorite place recently! Instead, she sat with us in the service, and did great! She enjoyed the music, and made friends with everyone around us – smiling and peeking at the people behind us over mommy’s shoulder. She even sat quietly through most of the message. She got tired of sitting in mommy’s lap during the last 10 minutes of the service, so we headed downstairs where she could walk around a little bit. But, we enjoyed the rest of the message, and the last song from the foyer.
After church we went to my parents house for lunch, where Auntie Jo had set up a little Easter Egg “Hunt†in the back yard. (The eggs weren’t really hidden, just scattered all over the grass.) It took Hannah a little while to figure out what she was supposed to do, but it looked like she was having fun! She would see an egg, pick it up, shake it, and then plop down on the grass and analyze it for a few minutes. I think everyone got in on the hunt, helping her to “find†the eggs, and then trying to keep them in her basket…she seemed to think that she had to take one egg out each time she found another one!
Here are some cute pictures from our day…

Hannah and her duck Easter basket (it matches the ducks on her dress!)
Hannah examining her first egg
Hannah and Grandma