I think we can now say we officially have a toddler! Hannah has been walking for a few weeks now, with no major spills…until tonight.

She was playing with daddy while mommy was getting the kitchen set up for the Men’s Bible Study that we host every other Monday…. They were just wandering around the living room and dining room. But, as she stepped into the kitchen, she tripped on thin air, and landed flat on her face! (Literally!)Â
As you can see, she ended up with a fat lip. But, after some hysterical screaming, a few tears, and lots of hugs from mommy and kisses from daddy – she was off and running again!Hannah will turn one tomorrow (my how time flies!), so I’m sure this is just the first of many boo-boos. We have a lifetime of scrapes, and bumps, and bruises to look forward too…I think I’ll go get the Band-Aids ready!