Hannah Elisabeth, Life

Blood Tests

Hannah and I both had to have blood tests done today, and came out with matching boo-boos. Hannah was a little trooper – she cried, but watched the whole thing! She managed a smile and a rather tearful “all done!” when it was over, and even waved good-bye to the nurse who had done the tests, but refused the stickers …

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Hannah Elisabeth, Traditions & Celebrations

Party Time!

Here are a few pictures from Hannah’s birthday parties. April 4th was Hannah’s first birthday. We celebrated with a small, family party – Grandma, Grandpa, and Auntie Jo came over for dinner, presents, and cupcakes. We had Hannah’s favorite – macaroni and cheese…this was the real, homemade kind – not the boxed, fluorescent orange variety. (I’ve suddenly developed an aversion …

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Hannah Elisabeth, Mommyhood, Traditions & Celebrations

Hannah’s First Year

  Hannah’s First Year 1st Row: April 4, 2005-1week old-2weeks old-3weeks old-4weeks old 2nd Row: 1month old (May)-2months (June)-3months (July)-4months (Aug.) 3rd Row: 5months (Sept.)-6months (Oct.)-7months (Nov.)-8months (Dec.) 4th Row: 9months (Jan.)-10months (Feb.)-11months (March)-Happy 1st Birthday!!   Today is Hannah’s first birthday! They say that time flies when you’re having fun! And, it sure has. This has been one amazing …

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